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How you can support the Eunice Chambless Hospitality House
“ECHH is much more than housing. It’s much more than having a place to stay. It’s an opportunity to minister to families.”
-Toby Hensen, Pastor, First Baptist Church Clyde
Individuals and churches have opportunities to serve through the giving of their time, and treasure. ECHH does not receive government funds so, without the support of individuals, churches, associations and the state convention, our ministry would not be possible.

Donations of food and cleaning supplies are graciously accepted. You may also submit your monetary gift by check to: Eunice Chambless
Hospitality House
13378 FM 3522
Abilene, TX 79601

Volunteers can serve as hosts and hostesses to guests and dayroom visitors. Volunteering with ECHH means more than just helping the local community, it is a chance to help families from across the state, Mexico and beyond.
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